CaseComplete is a must-have program for people who require not only managing functional requirements of a system, but also require this information to be gathered, analyzed, and transmitted to others. The program uses case diagram shapes, GUI controls, callouts, basic shapes, connectors, and so on. It is an excellent option for case modeling processes. You can create context diagrams to identify what is included and what is external to the system; describe the actors that will interact with the system, e.g. customer, loan officer, etc., and define their goals in a simple way. After the goals have been defined, you can generate use cases automatically. It has a window pane that is really useful for working with big projects. Besides, it includes a complete tutorial that shows you step by step the way of creating professional works.
OS supported: Windows XP and Vista. Requirements: .Net Framework 2.0 or higher, and Microsoft 2002 for generating reports. The price described is for one standard license, check the buy URL for more details.
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